The Browser Extensions tab on the Software Inventory page provides information about the browser extensions running on browsers on your hosts. Browser extensions are programs that are installed on browsers to provide extra functionality. They can also be used maliciously to gain entry to your hosts.
This feature supports compliance with the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls, particularly CIS Control 9.4: Restrict Unnecessary or Unauthorized Browser and Email Client Extensions.
Note: Currently we provide inventory for Chrome and Edge.
The Browser Extensions tab shows a table with the following details about the processes that run on your hosts:
Extension Name: name of the browser extension
Click an Extension Name to open a side panel that displays details of the versions that you have, the number of hosts that have it installed, the number of profiles that have it installed, and the number of profiles that have it running.Browser: Name of the browser where the browser extension is installed
Click a Browser name to open a side panel that displays details of the versions that you have, the number of hosts that have it installed, the number of profiles that have it installed, and the number of profiles that have it running.OS Type: Operating system that the browser runs on
Click an OS Type to open a side panel that displays details of the versions that you have, the number of hosts that have it installed, the number of profiles that have it installed, and the number of profiles that have it running.Versions: Specific version number of the browser extension if only one version is installed, or number of versions that are installed
Click a number to open a side panel that displays details of the versions that you have, the number of hosts that have it installed, the number of profiles that have it installed, and the number of profiles that have it running.Installed Hosts: Number of hosts on your network running the process
Click on the number of hosts to open a side panel that displays details of the hosts that have this extension installed.
Enabled on Profiles: Number of profiles that have the browser extension enabled
Click a number to open a side panel that displays details of the versions that you have, the number of hosts that have it installed, the number of profiles that have it installed, and the number of profiles that have it running.
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